The Brain Dance: Brain-Compatible Dance Ed - Led by Susanna Hostetter


The Brain Dance: Brain-Compatible Dance Ed - Led by Susanna Hostetter


Monday September 17th, 4:00-5:00pm

Saturday September 22nd, 11:00am-12:00pm

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The session will introduce teachers of all backgrounds to the Brain Dance, a method of neuroscience-based dance education developed by Anne Green Gilbert. We will study the 8 patterns of movement (breath, tactile, core-distal, upper-lower, body half, cross lateral, vestibular) and the developmental reflexes behind them, and experience different ways to construct a Brain Dance and apply it to various class settings (especially various age groups and ability levels). We will then look at Gilbert’s 5-part conceptual lesson plan and how to incorporate these ideas into our own teaching style. Throughout class, participants will be dancing, engaging in group discussion, and sharing with partners.