
transform your school


transform your school

Build Community through student sharing

Initiate Change through spoken word

Reinforce Literacy through creative writing application 

Inspire Engagement through a public arts presentation 

Prevent Bullying through fostering empathy



Poetry In Motion

Poetry In Motion

Design Dance students are smart, strong, and kind.  They know that sharing their stories builds empathy and they’re not afraid to be courageous. This year, Design Dance students will write, choreograph and perform pieces inspired by the theme of acceptance and the many ways it can change the communities we live in.  

Design Dance Poetry in Motion pairs poetry writing and dance for a month long in-school program that fosters real change in elementary and high school students.  Students learn to write alongside renowned poets and create original dances with the guidance of professional choreographers.  Each program concludes with a school-wide assembly that builds courage, self-awareness and connection throughout the entire school community.  


Pricing is determined hourly based on the number of students served.  Apply below or email to receive a quote for your school. 


Design Dance programming is designed by dance professionals, public school educators and innovative curriculum consultants.  Read more about how our program aligns with learning standards, how our content impacts our students, and read recommendation letters from some of our long time partners.  


Nominate Your School

Nominate Your School

Design Dance is selecting 10 schools in Chicago, Austin, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, and Madison to participate in the Poetry In Motion project for the 2016-2017 school year.  Nominate your school today by filling out the preliminary interest form below. Feel free to email with any questions!